Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love au Go Go

If you've noticed my by-line, you've probably understood its dual nature--my initials are indeed D.C., and I do dig Love big time. (I neither condone nor engage in the Conka-esque habits alluded to in the song, however.) So I was pleased to get an e-mail today from Bruno Ceriotti, author of a new Love chronology in e-book form entitled My Little Red Book: Love Day-By-Day 1945-1971.  As a fan of both Love and rock chronology books in general, I'll be buying a download of it post-haste.


Bruno also hipped me to a new documentary film he helped work on which is currently making the film fest rounds.  How I missed hearing about this movie before receiving Bruno's note mystifies me...I'm having vague semi-recollections of possibly reading about it and taking note of it a while ago, but if I actually did, the momentousness of the info didn't sink in at the time. Anyway, I'm on it now, and I really hope it gets screened at Hot Docs or NXNE next year. It's called Seven Years Underground: A '60s Tale.  The subject is the Cafe au Go Go, and it was made with major input from Howard Solomon's family.  Please peruse their official website and enjoy the tantalizing excerpts from the film on their Youtube channel.  [And here are more Cafe au Go Go Youtube clips.]

Speaking of docs and books...I wonder how Sid Bernstein Presents is coming along. And I want to thank Caryn Rose for sending me a copy of her fine new novel, B-Sides and Broken Hearts. I'm currently about 2/3 of the way through it, and it's a bi-coastal rock and roll romance of the highest order. The story is set mostly in Seattle and L.A., but has a heaping helping of NYC/Jersey flavor too.  With all the Sonic Youth and heartbreak embedded in its pages, it just might be the perfect read for our new post-KimandThurston world.



  1. Lovely pictures! I love the pictures that make me feel like living in a different period.. :) Congrats!
