Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1972 Ads: Max's Kansas City

Selected 1972 Voice ads for Upstairs at Max's Kansas City.  Again, many issues are missing from the archive, so there are only about six months' worth of ads here.  My blog-colleague Bryan at This Ain't the Summer of Love has already compiled a near-complete Max's show list, but I decided to collect the ads anyway--if only for the sheer surreality of seeing, in bold print, some of the mellow and/or mainstream acts that once played at a venue we tend to think of as THEE bastion of proto-punk-into-punk.  Speaking of blog-colleagues (blog-eagues???), I should also thank Stupefaction's Tim B. yet again for another recent head's-up, this time on Ed McCormack's Max's memories.  And don't miss Jeremiah's VNY this week, as he's taking us on a guided tour into Swing Street's sordid past.

5/4/72 issue.

5/11/72 issue.

5/18/72 issue.

5/18/72 issue.

5/25/72 issue.

5/25/72 issue.

6/1/72 issue.

6/8/72 issue.

6/8/72 issue.

6/15/72 issue.

6/22/72 issue.

6/29/72 issue.

6/29/72 issue.

7/6/72 issue.

7/6/72 issue.

8/3/72 issue.

8/10/72 issue.

8/17/72 "Riffs" column.  Last two cut-off words are "deserves credit."

8/17/72 issue.

8/17/72 issue.

8/24/72 issue.

8/31/72 issue.

9/7/72 issue.

9/28/72 issue.

10/5/72 issue.

10/5/72 issue.

10/12/72 issue.

10/19/72 issue.

10/26/72 issue.

10/26/72 issue.

11/2/72 issue.

11/2/72 issue.
11/9/72 issue.  Didn't know my fave Beau Brummelstone was involved in such a project.

11/9/72 issue.

11/16/72 issue.

11/23/72 issue.

11/30/72 issue.

12/7/72 issue.

12/14/72 issue.

12/14/72 issue.

12/14/72 issue.

12/21/72 issue.

12/28/72 issue.

Reviews, etc.:
The Country Gentlemen, 5/18/72 "Riffs" column (links to nearby ad).

Sandy Bull, 5/25/72 "Riffs" column (links to nearby ad).

White Cloud and George Gerdes, 6/1/72 "Riffs" column (links to nearby announcement).

Max's DJ Claude Purvis available for home parties, 6/1/72 "Scenes" column.

Jack Bonus, 7/6/72 "Riffs" column (links to a nearby ad).

John Fahey, 10/5/72 "Riffs" column.

Tim Hardin, 11/2/72 "Riffs" column (links to nearby ad).

Max's 1972 Youtube clips, including Bruce Springsteen and Wayne County and Queen Elizabeth.


  1. So many cool shows, but Steely Dan at Max's? Jesus...where's my time machine?

  2. Awesome stuff D.C. - thanks for the link to my Max's monstrosity as well. I'll be going through these and adding anything I don't have - I'm still missing ALOT of dates but now I know of the Voice Archives thanks to you and your hard's really gonna fill in the early years of the Upstairs shows. Hope to get around to it soonish but you know how that goes...

  3. Great stuff, but these sites are missing all the 1979/1980 Max's shows with the "Death To Disco"/ Jimi LaLumia & The Psychotic Frogs gigs..!!!!!
