Friday, September 28, 2007

"I did not know that," she said all Carson-like

A while back I heard that the former Gramercy movie theater--my main local screen back when I lived at the Hunter dorms--had been converted to a venue called the Blender Theater at Gramercy, but somehow it completely escaped my radar that Irving Plaza's name was changed to, ahem, The Fillmore New York at Irving Plaza as of last April. Pardon my delayed-reaction flabbergastedness.

Update-o-rama tidbits have been added to the ancient posts on Trude Heller's and the N.Y. Pavilion.

And now a sad farewell to a flesh-and-blood NYC landmark. RIP Bill Peitsch, the most fun-loving rock & roll character I ever met. Whether you saw him onstage or in the audience, if you were somewhere in his presence you were in for a blast. Nobody could liven up a room quite like him, but I understand that behind all the beer-hoisting boisterousness lay a truly kind and generous soul. All's I know is, I knew I'd finally become a bona fide garagenik when he first said "hi" to me. Though I hardly knew ye, I'll never forget ye.

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